Wednesday, October 19, 2011

WEDNESDAY 19th OCT - a day off YEAHHHH!!!!

After a well deserved sleep-in all the boys were looking for a bit of a feed.  Off we headed to Mackers.

As we were in the City Centre we went for casual stroll through the heart of the city centre of Mildura.
 Mildura is rather large city. All the traditional boutiques and assorted services shops and business show that the city is prosperous town.

Set on the banks of the Murray the town used the river for moving all transport until the railway came to town in 1920 (something)

For the morning we lounged around and chatted with other Escapadians.

Knowing that we needed to attend to the electric issues with the Snot Rocket we went to business of doing that.

Ah-ha upon close inspection it appears that the main electrical cable which is zip tied to the side of the roof rack, managed to vibrate and get caught between the roof tray and support bar. These cables carry power to all the rear lights had been squashed and with the vibration on the road wore through the plastic and exposed the raw wiring.

The exposed the wire touching the metal rack continued to short out--

Having identified the problem and along with a few last minute alterations to the electrical configuration we (think) we fixed it all. Let’s see as tomorrow and the next brings.

After lunch we went for a drive to the Mildura Winery. One of the first wineries established in the area. There we sampled a few Merlots, few whites, and Shiraz and eventual bought a few to take home.

Did nothing late afternoon, got dressed and went to dinner.
As usual the Queensland contingent Shark Mobile (from Gympie),Booger Mobile (Damien And Jo from Brisbane) and car 808 (Tony and Graham from Brisbane) 10 of us sat at same table and as usual ribbed each other.

The meal was mediocre (not worth bragging about) but it was dinner so that was that.

After dinner we all walked up to Great Australian Ice creamery for desert. What a sight it would have been, 10 adults sitting on park benches slurping on ice cream, not a pretty sight at all I am sure.

Walked home, got ready for tomorrow and that’s it.

Ready to rock and roll for the next big adventure…………..

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